
Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Christmas in Spain

Kia Ora! We have been learning about Christmas all around the world, since Christmas is nearly coming up. There are a lot of different countries that have different types of things that they do for Christmas since we aren't all the same.

So for our task we had to read through information that our teacher has given us about different things that different countries do for Christmas. Then we had to choose one of our own to research more about, I decided to research about Spain, because it seemed really interesting and all the different traditions they do. Then we had to make a DLO about all the information i've learnt. I did mine on canva!

Here is my DLO!


Monday, 23 November 2020

Newspaper Article

For cybersmart we have been learning about media, constructing media and evaluting media! For our first task we had to create a newspaper article, we watched a few videos about advertisments and the different types of social medias like youtube and stuff like that. So for our first task we had to create a newspaper article about anything that happened at camp when we are doing it we had to add in - comments, ads, the date, image or video, URL's and more!

This is my newspaper article!

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

"Do to others as you would have them do to you."

For RE, our teacher read us a very long verse on loving your enemies - (insteading of getting revenge or  being mean to them back we should forgive them instead.) After she had read that we had to focus on one sentence/word which was "Do others as you would have them do to you." Which is the same thing as treating others the way you want to be treated. Then we had to make a DLO about the one sentence and explain how it would would relate to real life situations, I did mine on canva!

This is my DLO!


Thursday, 24 September 2020

How to Convert Improper Fractions into a Whole Number

For the past weeks we have been learning about number knowledge. And using different types of tools for our learning and for maths we have to create a DLO about what we have learnt and what we want to teach other people! Our teacher has given us different types of tools for our learning to try out and use! I decided to use canva and it was really fun to do. 

I enjoyed doing this and playing around with canva, I found explaining it a bit difficult cause I didn't really know what to say but overall I enjoyed doing this!

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

7 Sacraments

For RE we have been learning about the seven sacraments - and the sacraments of healing, initation and commitment. We had to watch and read about the different types of sacaraments which are; baptism, eucharist/holy communion, confirmation, anointing of the sick, marriage and holy orders! But all of them fit into different types of categories for example - marriage and holy orders fit into the sacaraments of commitment. So after we have learnt about the sacraments we had make a DLO on it, the first DLO we had to make was for the sacraments of initation and explain what they were, and then we had to make a DLO about the sacraments of healing and explain the grace that we get from it and then last but not least we had to explain the sacraments of commitment and what their responsiblites were but we had to make it on a newspaper article. 


This is my slideshow about the - Sacraments of Initation!

This is my google drawing on the Sacraments of Healing!

This is my newspaper article on the Sacraments of Commitment - (Holy Orders & Marriage) 

Colors in Te Reo Maori

Since it is Maori Language Week, for our reading activites we have to learn about the different songs, colors, numbers (and more) in Maori. We are also learning how to use different types of tools for our learning instead of using the boring stuff like a plain slideshow, google drawing and the others tools. I have choosen to do a slideshow but not just an normal and plain slideshow, it is a slideshow with links and other stuff like that to make it more fun and more unique aswell. I have also choose to teach you guys the different colors in Te Reo Maori! 

Is was really fun to make the different links and stuff to it to make it more unique and not boring. I enjoyed designing it and putting the links it to go to another slide and animating some of it! I didn't find anything difficult I just got a bit confused. 

This is my DLO!
What have you learnt?

Monday, 31 August 2020


For RE we have been doing key ideas which helps us to know more about Jesus, popes, bishops and more! This is our second to last key idea and for this key idea we are learning about the Pope of our times which is Pope Francis. So first we had to watch a video about it and then we had to do a summary sheet which was like sumarising what was in the video, then we had to do a pope inquiry which was basically like asking questions about the topic we were doing I choose to do an Encylical that was Written By The Pope and from this I learnt a lot of information from this and found out what was a Encylical but I still can't pronouce it! But for this task we had to put in five pieces of information from our own research and then put it three questions including either; when or what, how or why, is, could or should. And then we had to answer the question again researching about it. 

I kinda of found this task difficult finding all the information and asking questions about it and answering them but overall it worked out as fine! I enjoyed learning new things and finding out what a Encylical is!

This is my inquiry!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

An Encyclical Written By The Pope

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
1. An Encyclical is a letter that includes issues, ideas and important things about the Church. 
2. The Pope writes the letter including all those different information and sends it out to the Bishop and the Priests. 
3. The issues that the pope writes about are like either human rights or peace for people. Some issues aren’t just about around the Church, it’s about general stuff as well. 
4. Our Pope wrote about Social Justice issues - about the poor. 
5. There are a lot of Encyclicals now that were written by the pope. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
1. How many Encyclicals were written by the pope?
2. What Pope wrote about Social Justice?
3. Should the Pope be writing about these issues?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
1. There are more than 200 Encyclicals that were written by the pope.
2. Pope Francis was the one who wrote about the Social Justice issues that were about the poor. 
3. Yes the popes should be writing about these issues because that’s how they communicate with each other and it teaches other popes. 

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Koru and Kowhaiwhai

The Koru is sometimes used in Maori Art, as a symbol of life and nature. People also use the pattern for carving and tattooing. The Koru symbolizes new life, strength, growth and peace. The Koru is a meaning for that life changes but stays the same, some people also think that the Koru represents harmony. 

The Kowhaiwhai is used to represent the history of Maori. And it's used to present the family tree of like someone's tribe. The Kowhaiwhai patterns paintings are used for meeting houses, storehouses and so much more. They also help to tell a story. 

Monday, 27 July 2020

Learn The Pirate Language

For this term our whole school is focusing on the Pirate Culture. And to do with that our class has been reading a book called "Pirate Treasure." And so for our reading task it has been related to the book, we are doing chapters 1-4 (there are four activites that we had to finish), so for our first reading activity we had to make either a text, audio or a video showing how to speak pirate. This can also be a collaborative task so I did this with a buddy! We decided to create a DLO showing how to speak pirate. 

I enjoyed doing this a learning about how Pirates talk. I found recording it very difficult because there was a lot of distractions and we couldn't really get it done in time, and it didn't really work out very well. 

This is our DLO! 

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Cipher Wheels

For this term (term 3) our focus for school is pirates! We have been learning about Cipher Wheels if you don't know what they are they are basically shaped like a tire and has the letters in the alphabet on it execpt for Q and J. Then on the small tire part it has the numbers up to 24, there is also something in the middle to make it spin. Then you'd have to pick a letter and a number for example K and 12 you have to put the wheel on K and 12 then if you want to spell 'hi' then look on the wheel and see, the number on the bottom for example 'H' is under 7 so you write 7 and then the next number! You can use these cipher wheels to figure out codes. The pirates would use these cipher wheels because they didn't want anyone else to know their pirate langauge so it was basically like a secret language for them, they also used it for secret messeges. I wasn't here when they learnt about cipher wheels and made them but I still catched up!

For one of our activites we had to make a cipher wheel but we had to search up our own instructions on how to do it and then we had to make a code. Then we had this activity when we had to hide a crunchy bar for our buddy and then we had to write a code saying where the next clue is for example it's in the playground you would hide the next note there and then more notes if you want or you could just say where it was. My buddy was Kylie we both hid our crunchy bars and made the clues. I hid mine in our school's prayer garden near the black gate and she hide her's on the adventure playground! It was really fun to do but we didn't really have any time. Then we just wrote codes to each other and played around with it.

I really enjoyed doing the crunchy bar activity because it was really fun and finding the clues and getting to eat the chocolate! I didn't really find anything difficult I was just really confused at first. Overall I really like the pirate theme and this was a really fun thing to learn and to do.

Here is my Cipher Wheel!

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Freya's Hens

For reading we have been learning about pleiades around the world they are basically myths about the stars from the different countries and how they came up to the sky, there are different stories like Matariki, The Great Bear and more.
Our task was to look at other pleiades and choose a country from the slideshow, and research about it and then make a DLO about it. I choose to do Freya's Hens, there wasn't much information about it so I had to do as much as I can. But next time i'll make sure to do more information!

What I found difficult was researching about it because I couldn't find much information about the star cluster and even with videos. I enjoyed learning about Pleiades and the different myths and stories about it. A lot of them seems very intersting.

This is my DLO!

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Jesus' Life

For this week's RE task, we had to do key idea 4 (Which is our RE activity, we've already done key idea 1, 2, and 3). Which was still about the Holy Spirit but it was about Jesus being prepared for his mission by the Holy Spirit. 

We had to watch three videos about Jesus' life after Baptism. The first video was about Jesus getting baptised by John, the second video was about Jesus going into the desert and staying there for forty days without having any food and was tempted by the devil/satan. The last video was about Jesus visting the synagogue and reading the scripture. Then after that we had to create either a timeline, comic strip or a storyboard. There was also a link to all 3 of them. I decided to do a timeline, since it was easier and fun to use. 

I didn't really find anything difficult and I enjoyed doing the task and seeing those different videos about Jesus!

Here is my timeline!
(The information is on the second picture)

Monday, 29 June 2020

News Report - Jesus Gets Baptized By John

For the past weeks we have been learning about Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit. We had to complete two tasks. For the first task we had to watch a video about Gabriel accouncing to Mary that she's going to have a baby then we had to answer these questions of how the Holy Spirit was involved with that. The we had to read/watch differents texts/videos about Jesus's Baptism, and then we had to make a newspaper report about Jesus's Baptism. I used a newspaper generator for my one! I couldn't screenshot the whole thing because it was very hard to read!

What I found difficult was answering some of the questions because I got confused and sometimes even when I re-watched the video there was still no information about the question that I was stuck on! I really enjoyed doing the news report and watching the videos because one of them was really funny!

Here are some questions!
- What have you learnt? 
- Did you already know about this?
- Would you like to do this activity? 

This is my newspaper report!

Thursday, 25 June 2020


For this week's reading task we are learning about Matariki. We had to read or either listen to information about Matariki, the reason why we are learning this is because the stars appear in late May or early June and it's good to know things about Matariki. 

All the information was put in our class site by our teacher. There was four texts we had to read and there was even a quiz, after we had read or listened to the texts we had to do a little quiz with the whole class in groups and in a google doc aswell. Then after that we had to make a DLO (I made a powtoon) about Matariki, I had to screencastify my powtoon because I couldn't export my powtoon. 

This is my powtoon!
What have you learnt?
Did you already know about Matariki?
Would you want to see the stars? 

Wednesday, 17 June 2020


Pōhā - A Clever way of Storing Food

For this week's reading task we had to read a text called "Pōhā" if you don't know what Pōhā is it's a traditional Māori bag made from a special kind of kelp, they made this when cans and freezers never even existed and some of them still do now!

For our task we had to read two different texts that had information about Pōhā and then after we had done that we had to watch a video of people showing us how to make Pōhā. Then after that we had to find our own information about Pōhā and add it to a shared google doc. After that we had to make a DLO (I made a slideshow) explaining what we have learnt and including the impact and, what we could add/change onto the design. 

This is my slideshow!
Here are some questions!

What have you learnt? 
Would you use this method if you can?
What would you change?

Holy Spirit

For the past few days we have been learning about the Holy Spirit in the scripture. And for our task we had to choose a title or an image of the Holy Spirit, or we could either use the one we've already created from our last task which was to, read a scripture (that we were assigned to) and make a poster/drawing to describe God. We also had to do it with a buddy, me and my buddy got Psalm 103:13 which was about a father showing compassion to his children. We also had to explain how we can show others that I can be the Holy Spirit!

Here is our drawing!

I can be the Holy Spirit because I help others when they need it and I show the school's CERR vaules, I also try to be more like Jesus! And I try to make people more happy whenever they're sad. 

Friday, 12 June 2020

CERR Tokens!

CERR Tokens

Throughout school our teacher brought back CERR tokens! If you don't know what they are they are squares which are color coded depending on our vaules for example; red which is for compassion, yellow which is for excellence, blue which is for responsibility and green which is for respect. And if you do notice our CERR vaules stand for the word "CERR". We get a certain CERR token depending of our behaviour for example if we're showing respect we get a green CERR token which stands for respect! And this is the teacher's way of rewarding us for our good behavior! And by that I mean we get to get food/drinks from our CERR cafe, and only our class has this!

If your wondering what a CERR cafe is, it's basically just your normal average cafe but you can get your food/drinks for the amount of tokens you have instead of using ACTUAL money for example you can get a hot chocolate for three CERR tokens but if you want it with marshmellows then it will be four CERR tokens. Here are the food we can get from the cafe: Hot chocolate (three CERR tokens four if you want marshmellows) There are also some free food you can get without using your tokens which are cereal, nuts and bars. The rest is for CERR tokens like: Toast (which is only one CERR token - for one each, you can have nutella, peanut butter, butter and raspberry jam! You can also have a bag of lollies for five CERR tokens and last but not least, lunch with Mr Norman - our principal for 20 CERR tokens! Right now I have eight CERR tokens, some people don't have much and some people have a lot. Some people would say it's babyish and that's okay but I think it's not. 

Since some of us are year sevens we can't take care of the CERR cafe, only year eights. We have a cleaner, (2) cooks and the cashier! We even made some name tags to put around our necks or just to hold so we know which one is the cleaner, cook and cashier. Sometimes if a person is not here someone else will fill in the job for them but they don't have to swap jobs with the other year eights! 

We can also use Miss Wilton's (our teacher) "credit card." To buy stuff instead of using our CERR tokens, but we can't use it all the time she usually picks people or if some people didn't have any breakfast she gives it to that person to get a piece of toast or something!

I really enjoy having the CERR cafe because it's fun to have and you can get food/drinks there! I am saving up for a lunch with Mr Norman! I only bought a hot chocolate there. Okay overall I really like having our own class cafe and I think it's a really good way of rewarding people who have good behaviour!

Would you want to have your own class cafe? If you do what would you want to buy? What would you save up for? How would you buy it? 

Friday, 27 March 2020

"Under The Bed"

For this week's writing task we had to pick a writing prompt!
and I choose the under the bed one so we had to complete all of the activites which were: (writing the story, answering the questions which were: What was the noise he heard, what did he see under the bed, what will happen next, how did he feel when he first heard the noise, how did he feel when he looked under the bed, what time of the day do you think it is, have you ever been frightend of anything and why do things seem more frightening at night?. The sentence challenge which was to describe the noise without saying what it is I didn't write much because I couldn't think of anymore sounds for this animal! And perfect picture which was to draw a picture/trace what he seen under the bed!

We also had to add language features to our story which were, Alliteration (the same letter at the start of your senctence - Example: B - Billy bounced a ball), Onomatopoeia (the things like BOOM, CRASH and more, Metaphor (Things that sound simliar - Example: She read the book at a snail's pace), Simile (A comparison using "like" or "as" - example "she was smart as an owl", hyperbole (an exaggeration - Example: "It was like a thousand pounds", Personification (giving human qualities to things) - example: The floor boards danced across the room), Idiom (a phrase that has a different meaning from the dictionary) - example: The test was a peice of cake!"

What I found difficult was thinking of what was under the bed because I had no idea what scuttling meant so I searched it up and it was little footsteps so I came up with mouse! I enjoyed doing all the activites because they weren't just writing they were also questions and drawing!

This is my writing!

The scuttling noise had disturbed Michael, and he shot bolt upright in bed.
After taking a deep breath, he flung himself onto the smooth wooden boards of
his bedroom floor but it was like his bedroom floor was trying to pull him back but he 
took a peek.. in relief, he saw a little small grey mouse with no tail creeping and squeaking
around the cheese under his bed. He grabbed the mouse and put it into a small container
and as soon as he did that he quietly tiptoed to the kitchen knowing his parents were asleep.
He opened the fridge and grabbed a piece of leftover cheese from dinner, he quietly shut the
fridge and headed back to where the mouse was. He opened the container and stored the cheese
there, he was glad that there was no monster under his bed. 



1. What was the noise Michael heard?
- He heard a scuttling noise (little footsteps)

2. What did he see under the bed?
- A small grey mouse with no tail!

3. What will happen next?
-  He will keep the mouse as a pet then he hears another noise…

4. What did he feel when he first heard the noise?
- He felt a bit anxious and frightened. 

5. How did he feel when he looked under the bed? 
- He felt relieved because it wasn’t a monster

6. What time of day do you think it is?
- Night time because in the picture it looks dark!

7. Have you ever been frightened of anything? 
- Yes..

8. Why do things seem more frightening at night? 
- Because it’s usually dark and it’s scary at night..


Sentence Challenge:

The high pitched squeaking sound disturbed Michael. 


Perfect Picture!

"Lest We Forget"

WALT: Think critically when looking at information in different texts.

For reading we have been focusing on ANZAC day, so for one of our reading activites were about ANZAC mascots so now it's about ANZAC memorials! And this is the second activity that I will be posting out of my eight activties. 

This activity is about creating a poster about the phrase "Lest We Forget." Just saying what it means and including pictures. If you don't know what it means it's just saying that we should at least remember what happened in the war, and what other people experienced and had to face during that war and that thousands of men that died had loved ones who would have been really upset to hear that they have passed away. 

This is my poster!

Different Ways To Celebrate ANZAC Day!

WALT: Think critically when looking at information in different texts. 

For the past weeks we have been learning about ANZAC day and for one of our activites we were learning about ANZAC mascots and know we are learning about ANZAC memorials! So we had to do eight activites which were all related to ANZAC day. So after we have done all of that we had to post two things on the blog so this is one of them which is: Different ways to Celebrate ANZAC day!

So I have came up with three different ideas to celebrate ANZAC day without gathering around because of the covid-19. So my ideas were: We can wear the red poppies, we can have a day where you wear red with your family and donate some red clothes that you don't fit anymore and give it to someone else, and a moment to think about our ANZACs which we can have a minute or so to think about the ANZACs who fought in the war for our country and some of them has loved ones so they would have been really upset. 

This is my slideshow!

Monday, 23 March 2020

Maths Group Strategy!

WALT: Solve problems like: 23 + __ = 71. 

For maths we have been working on tons of strategies, but this time we had to make a DLO explaining our strategy. My strategy is pretty simple because your only using subtracting and adding and it's with the number line aswell. I have a explanation on slide three if you don't understand the strategy! If one of the equations are 23 + __ = 71 your going to have to draw out your number line and switch the 71 to 73 because your going to minus it (it will be explained on the slideshow) and your going to have to go all the way to 71 instead of going to the nearest ten which is 30 you have to go all the way to 71 so 20 + 50 = 70 then your going to have to take away 2 because 3 - 2 = 1 and you wanna get to 71 then you minus all of that 50 - 2 = 48, so your answer is 48!

What I found difficult was to explain it because i'm not really good at explaining! And I enjoyed explaining it actually!

Anyways this is my DLO!

Maori Titles

WALT: Identify how Jesus is Matamua and Tuakana and explain the significance of this.

For this week's task for RE, we had to search up these six Maori titles which were: Kuia, Tupuna, Kaumatua, Matua, Whaea, Te Karaiti, Tuakana and Te Whanau. The after we have researched that we had to make a DLO explaining the meaning of all of them. I did mine on Voki (Which is a site where you can design your own characters and put whatever you want and it can talk!) because I didn't want to screencastify mine (we had to think of SISOMO which was sight, sound and motion because we have a blind person in our class but he can hear really well.) Since voki could only do six hundread characters I didn't write much and also because I couldn't really explain it but I hope it explains a lot. 

I enjoyed learning those different words because I was really curious to know what they meant and what I found difficult was explaing in big sentences because the definitaion of it was simple and I didn't really know how to make it into big words. 

Anyways here is my Voki!

Friday, 20 March 2020

Anzac Mascots

WALT: Think critically when looking at information in different texts. 

Over the past weeks our class has been focusing on war, including the anzac day. We have read different stories about it aswell. So for reading we usually just do our own group work but we are all focusing on one thing which is ANZAC mascots. I read a lot of things about anzac mascots and i've learnt a lot of information about them!

For one of our tasks we had to find our own information and link it to a google doc where everyone else's information are, i've already completed that task now I had to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about what I have learnt from ANZAC mascots! I haven't done the last task but i'm working on it and it was too create your own mascot for the war and explain how it will be useful and I will be posting that soon. 

I didn't really find anything difficult because the tasks are kinda of easy and they're also really fun to do and I can learn new stuff! I enjoyed making a DLO of what I learnt and I would enjoy making the mascots aswell.

This is my DLO!

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

WALT: Recognise how Jesus's work of bringing God's saving love caused him to suffer and die. 

Last week we were learning about two different people who were: Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Father Francis Vernon Douglas. We were learning about that because there work of love brought them to pass just like Jesus. So our task was to create a slideshow showing who was he, what was his cause, who did he upset and why and how did his work of love lead him to death?

We also had to do this thing which was called "sismo." which was sound, motion and sight. We needed to do that because there is a boy in our class who is blind, but he is very good at hearing. So we decided to go onto voki. You can make your character and then just write what you want and it will repeat it, but you can only do 600 letters. I had to restart this a couple times because it couldn't save and I also had a bit of problems with it. Then after we had finished that we had to screencastify it because it wasn't saving properly.

I enjoyed making the voki because it was fun trying out new things even though I had to restart a couple times but that was okay. What I found difficult was fitting my writing in because I could only do 600 letters. But overall I enjoyed it!

This is my voki!

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Healthy Food!

Last week we have been learning about nutrition with Sophie, she is from the heart foundation. We also got to go to paknsave to look at healthy items. If you don't know what Nutrition means it's healthy food and it's good for you to eat it instead of the sometimes food, which has a lot of sugar and fat and doesn't have any fibre in it. If you wanna know if it's healthy or not look at the back of what your buying and look for the sugar, if it's over 10 it's not healthy and it will be a sometimes food. It needs to have four ticks to be a healthy food. You will have to look for sugar, fat fibre and sodium.  

There are different types of food groups which are: Fruit & Veggies, Meat, Dairy and Grain. Those are the foods you should be eating but sometimes some of them aren't heathy. There are also your sometimes food which contains: cupcakes/cakes, chips, ice cream/popsicles, chocolate/lollies, fast foods and more! 

So our task was to creating a slideshow explaing the different food groups and what you learnt, we got to do this in buddies so this is the slideshow that I did with my buddy!

Friday, 6 March 2020

The ANZAC Violin

WALT: Use descriptive writing

This week for writing our teacher read us a book called "The Anzac Violin." It was about a guy called "Alexander Aitken" who fought for New Zealand while carrying a violin. He managed to carry it all the way until he was wounded, but one of his crew members gave it to him after the world war ended. Now it's in a all boys high school. So for our task we had to make a table including: See (what can you see), Hear (what can you hear), Location (where was it and was it dusty), Movement (crawling or walking) and Temperature (cold or hot). And we had to describe one of the moments as a diary entry because while Alexander was in the war he wrote diary enteries but it wasn't very detailed so now, we have to make one with a lot of detail. The table was our draft so after we did that we have to make our real copy.

For my diary entry I did the part where he was wounded and was crawling past his dead crew members. I enjoyed putting it all together because I had a lot of great ideas and what I found diffcult was putting it all together. 

This is my writing!

I frighteningly crawl towards my lifeless crew members as the breeze passes by me. I could hear the terrifying gunshots as i’m almost there, I stopped and looked up at the night sky I could see stars appearing as I lay there suffering. Soon enough I opened my eyes everything was fuzzy, I blinked as much as I could until I could see a train I got a fright when the loud engine started..where were they taking me?