
Thursday, 26 August 2021

What can we learn from Sister Aroha's life?

 Hello! In RE we have been learning about Sister Aroha, she is a catholic nun who left New Zealand to go to Sri Lanka so that she could take care of sick children in an orphanage. 
For our task we had to make a DLO answering the question - what can we learn from Sister Aroha's life? I made a google drawing showing what we can learn from her life. 

I enjoyed learning about her and the good things she did to help other people! 

Here is my DLO!

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

What is an ecosystem?

 Hello! Today was the first day of online learning since we are all in lockdown. We are learning about biodiversity, biodiversity is basically every living thing on this earth which are humans, animals, bacteria, plants and more. And for one for our understanding tasks we had to explain what an ecosystem was, if you don't know what an ecosystem is you can look at my canva! 

I enjoyed learning about biodiversity and making this poster to explain what an ecosystem was! I didn't really find anything difficult. 

Here is my poster!

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Trip to Orana Park

Hello! Yesterday our classes room five and six went to Orana Park. When we first got there we meet two people called Bethany and Sarah, they were the ones who were going to show us around the zoo room five had Sarah and we had Bethany. After we had our morning tea it was time for us to go to our seperate classes and look at the animals! 

We saw many different animals but the first animal we saw was the lions. Bethany told us interesting facts about lions, like how a lion's mane protects their neck when they're fighting and having a mane attracts the female lions. 

The animals we saw were lions, tigers, reptiles, frogs, gorillas, farmyard animals (bunnies, pigs, chickens & more), kiwis, meerkats, otters, tasmanian devils, giraffes, lemurs, african wild dogs or painted dogs and cheetahs! It was very fun and we got to learn many facts about these animals. We even got to feed the giraffes and fish, but we weren't able to see all the animals because time ran out but that was okay!

Overall I enjoyed the trip and learning some new facts about the animals!

Here are some photos of the trip: